Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The blue mountins

The blue mountins
Originally uploaded by lucie.gray
The past two days I have headed up into the Blue mountains a region just outside of Sydney. The mountains are famous for a blue haze that the eucalyptus trees give off when it's hot and wow they look amazing when they do! I decided to come up with the same tour company that I traveled from Melbourne with and yes yet again I had a tour guide a wee bit on the crazy side.

This guy was OBSESSED with spiders and snakes and informing us of imminent death at any available opportunity to the point that I was too scared to touch anything. However after some scary walks dodding funnel webs spider appartment blocks and possible snake houses we were rewarded with amazing views for our bravery.

We were lead down a path of 1600 steps into the canyon floor for a return trip on the steepest railway in the world. The track took us to near 90 degrees and had us holding on for dear life due to the fact the safety chain was made of plastic.

I left the tour to stay in the mountains for a couple of nights in a town called Katoomba the largest in the mountains which makes Newton Abbot seam the size of a city, but with some fantastic coffee shops which make relaxing with a book very easy.

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