Thursday, November 15, 2007


Originally uploaded by lucie.gray
... I found Nemo!

With my brand new divers certificate in hand I headed out of Carins to spend the day on a boat called 'silverswift' and yes I found nemo!

He was hiding in an anemone but looked quite pleased to see me, even if a little shy. I also found a turtle who let me stroke his shell while he ate his lunch of coral.

I now just need to work out what the divers sign is for 'thats so cool'

Friday, November 9, 2007

Whitehaven beach

Whitehaven beach
Originally uploaded by lucie.gray
It was sad to leave Byron Bay I really felt at home. It was especially difficult to leave because I was heading up to Brisbane, which just as everyone had said it would be, was not worth the two nights I spent there. It sounds harsh I know but were are talking about a CITY where you have to walk for 40 minutes before finding an open restaurant!

I then headed up to the Whitsunday's for a 3 day sailing trip. The boat I went on was a retired racing yacht called the Matador. The boat itself was cool and traveling at near 90 degrees as we flew along the waves was fantastic.

The Whitsunday's are amazing, I was expecting a tropical islands but they look more like the alps that have been flooded. The main point of the trip is to head out to Whitehaven beach which quite honestly is one of the most amazing places on earth. With sand that is so fine it feels like flour and the sea an amazing blue colour I really could have stayed for days.

The other main point of going sailing was to get a bit closer to the barrier reef and go snorkeling. I was so exited about seeing Nemo at home that I jumped right in, sadly he was nowhere to be seen. Although amazing fish that look like Zebras, neon fish and coral with an electric blue tinge did make up for it. It didn't stop me trying to find him the next day though... but sadly again, no sign.

I left the Whitsunday's for Mgnetic Island and a four day open water diving course (main hope to find Nemo) I can't believe I am saying this but I really enjoyed having to study for a while and although I found the underwater skills a bit daunting I really enjoyed the course. The dive school is right on the barrier reef and our final dive was sooo cool, we saw so many things including stingray and a fish with giraffe patterns, we even had a school of fish stalking us! But sadly.......... no Nemo!

So here I am in Cairns, I've booked a dive trip tomorrow in the last ditched attempt to find Nemo, I'll keep you posted!