Monday, December 3, 2007

On the way back from the supermarket

It seams such a long time since I posted and that is mainly because it is, I'm sorry I have been so slow on the uptake but with lack of internet over the past few weeks and lots of darting all over the place i've not had much chance to catch up.

Australia is vast, bigger than europe and a place where your idea of distance is confused and a 2 hour drive is 'just down the road' But here I am where I started in Melbourne and with 5 out of the 7 states ticked of my to see list I think I've done quite well.

After diving in Cairns I headed up to Cape tribulation, where the tropical rainforest meets the beach and it's so untouched it must look pretty much the same as when Cook found it back in 1770. I stayed in a very remote hostel right in the forest and just off the beach. It was so far removed that it was a 2 hour round walk to the shop! Needless to say I did loads of walking while I was up there, even taking in a night walk in the jungle were we got to see lots of sleeping lizards and birds as well as my first wild snake, not something I wish to repeat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well the adventure is nearly over then Lucie, I hope you have had a fantastic time, and i cant wait to hear all about it over some small sweet sherries at christmas. Have a very safe journey home, and look forward to seeing you.

take care, lots of love

Soph xx